Welcome to Kinlet CE Primary School.
I would like to welcome you to our school and website on behalf of the staff, Governors and children. Kinlet is a busy, welcoming village school, situated at the heart of the Shropshire countryside. Our small size fosters a friendly, inclusive family atmosphere. We believe that when you join Kinlet Primary School you become a member of our 'school family' and we hope that you and your child wish to share fully in the active life of the school. We aim to make sure that each one of our pupils feels safe and is enthusiastic, secure and confident.
We believe that education is a partnership between home and school and that we should share this responsibility. We want your child's time with us to be a happy and fulfilling one, full of rich and rewarding experiences where they can achieve their full potential and experience an exciting range of learning opportunities and skills.
As a Voluntary Controlled School we have close links with the church and promote a Christian ethos which is reflected in our school motto. (Love to Learn : Learn to Love).
Kinlet is federated with Farlow C of E Primary School since March 2013. Each school has its own head but we have a joint governing body. Schools in our School Development Group have become academies but we still meet regularly to discuss issues such as special educational needs and assessment.
We are proud of our school and hope that through this website you will get a taste of what we offer and how we work. Whether you are a parent, a pupil or a friend of the school, I hope you enjoy finding out about our unique school. If you are a prospective parent I would be very happy to meet you and show you around. Please contact the school to arrange a visit.
Thank you for visiting.
Alison Davies