Absence from School
If your child is absent through illness or any other cause, please telephone us before 8.50 a.m. with the details and then send in a note on their return to school. The school is required by law to keep a full record of the reasons for absence of the children in the school: if a reason is not legally recognised as valid, then we are required to record the absence as unauthorised. By law children who arrive late after registration closes may also be recorded as absent.
Exceptional Leave in Term Time
It is important for parents to understand that time off during term for holidays can be disruptive and is not in the best interests of children's education. Whilst it is recognised that there are exceptional circumstances when leave during the term may be requested, parents are asked to carefully consider the effects upon their children in respect of learning and relationships. If leave of absence is requested parents must complete an application form in advance.
As of 1 September 2013 there has been a change in the School Attendance Regulations. Where there used to be the option for headteachers to grant leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday during the term time in “special circumstances” of up to ten days in a year, this has been removed.
Headteachers are now only allowed to authorise any leave of absence when an application has been made in advance and it is felt to be for an exceptional circumstances; the annual family holiday would not be deemed an exceptional circumstance”.